Rahul Gandhi should not get off lightly for his anti-Hindu hate speech

3 min readJul 2, 2024


“Those who called themselves Hindus only talked about violence, hatred, and untruth”, the words he uttered yesterday in the Lok Sabha, stand expunged now. There was immediate uproar and strong denouncement from the treasury benches. I am sure much more rebuttals are on the way. But all these tokenisms are not enough. The politician must be held accountable and he should face the consequences for his anti-Hindu hate speech and for his impropriety in the Parliament.

“Calling the entire Hindu society violent is a serious issue”, is what PM Narendra Modi said in his first reaction and this is going to be the BJP line, as expected. Rahul Gandhi, in his typical elitist, egotistic, entitled dynast mindset thought that he can get away. But his “justification” that he meant only RSS, BJP and Modi and not Hindu society is not cutting the ice. Now he is being questioned as to why he said “those who called themselves Hindus” instead of directly naming these entities, if that was his real intent.

Whatever, Rahul Gandhi has succeeded in grabbing the attention, making headlines for himself, and in articulating institutionalized Hinduphobia right on the floor of the Indian Parliament, just like the way, his party and it’s handlers, the Breaking India forces all the way from George Soros to !zlam!sts wanted. Instead of turning the focus on the more important topics like India emerging as the third largest economy or on the !zl@m!st terrorism that is still a big threat to India and to much of the civilized world or the more pressing problems faced by the common people in the country, he shifts the whole focus on “Hindus are violent” theme in his maiden speech as the Leader of opposition. This should not be taken lightly. Hindu organizations and assertive Hindus all across India should file legal cases against this man and should make his life miserable.

See, he did not say Hindus, but used the phrase “those who called themselves Hindus”. There is a perverse subtlety in this usage. This phrase denotes assertive and self-conscious Hindus who attach pride to their religion and culture, who care about Hindu culture and civilization, who have a clear sense of history about Ayodhya, Kashi and Vijayanagara, who deeply worry about Christian conversions, Love J1had and Muzl!m demographic bomb, who work for Hindu unity and Hindu Sangathan, who are disturbed by the atrocities happening to Hindus in Pakistan, Bangladesh and elsewhere. And, these are the Hindus who unapologetically and consistently vote BJP, support organizations like RSS and fight for Hindu rights. It is us, people like me and such Hindus whom Rahul Gandhi demonizes through that phrase directly.

And then there are others. Congress does not have any problems with those Hindus who remain totally self-alienated, unconscious, slothful and lethargic about their Hindu identity, to such a point that some of them even feel ashamed to call themselves Hindu, like that scum Mani Shankar Aiyar. These are the “Hindus” who won’t even call themselves Hindus. The typical Dhimmis — self-centered, mentally colonized, caste obsessed, cowardly, morally corrupt and Adharmic, faking religiosity, just like the way RaGa flashed the picture of Lord Shiva in the Parliament, uttering non sensical mumbo jumbo. These people form the support base of Congress, along with Muzl!ms and all other anti-Hindu forces. And, these are the abominable, suicidal “Hindus” who cheer Rahul Gandhi’s hate speech.

“Narendra Modi and his team may not realise the civilisational burden they are carrying on their shoulders. Probably the Hindus who may cheer Rahul Gandhi today, may not realise that the 73-year-old Prime Minister is, as of today, the last wall of protection between their children and them meeting the destiny of the children of minorities in Pakistan and Bangladesh”, says Aravindan Neelakandan in his article that is just out in Swarajya. Let that sink in.




Written by Jataayu

Writes on Hindu Dharma, Hindutva, Tamil literature, Indian society, culture, history and arts. Technology Professional.

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